• 触覚DXが拓く未来

    Embrace the future with Tactile DX

    Tactile Association JAPAN


  • 日本触覚学会

  • 日本触覚協会

    Tactile Association JAPAN



    We are an "independent" scientific association.

    We contribute to the "fair development and promotion of the science and engineering of tactiles".

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    Certification and Evaluation of TactileDX Technologies


    There are no "standards" for Tactile DX technology. We are working on certification and evaluation of vibration and vibrotactile devices used in Tactile DX.
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    Certification of Tactile Technician


    We have held workshops and exams in tactile skills and have graduated more than 1,000 people with diplomas in tactile skills.
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    文化芸術振興. Encourage and promote tactile culture and art


    Tactile expression is an old and new challenge. Tactile expression has been tried in aesthetics, philosophy, various expressive arts, and design. We promote tactile culture and art by organizing the tactile science and art event "SHOKKAKU (tactile in Japanese)" (see below for more information about SHOKKAKU).
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    学術交流振興. Promotion of Science/Arts of Tactile sense


    Tactile sensation is an interdisciplinary field that relates not only to science and engineering, but also to a wide range of disciplines, including aesthetics, philosophy, history, literature, art, architecture, and design. The Institute promotes creative and dynamic interdisciplinary academic exchange, including co-sponsorship of the interdisciplinary academic exchange workshop "SOMA" (see below for past initiatives).


    カルチャー&アート イベント

    Feel the novel tactile sense, you never know

  • SHOKKAKU 2019



    Trailer of SHOKKAKU 2019


    A New World Opened up by the Sense of Touch

  • あたらしい触覚メディアを体感する

    feel the novel tactile media you will never know

    have you experienced art of tactile sense like a music?


    触覚といえば..やわらかいー硬い,低反発のまくら,ソファーにクッション..そこに豊かな調べはありますか? わたしたちは,楽譜のように触覚を記述する方法「触譜」を提案しています
    tactile products are not only limited a soft cushion, couch for relaxing not memory form pillow, can they produce a "music" of tactile sense? it is just soft, hard, rough, smooth.. a music is just soft or smooth? a music is composed of VARIOUS tactile of sounds
    so.. why not we have developed such tactile media like music?
    So we have developed TACTILE SCORE, a method for composing tactile sense like music


    Do you know M. Mcluhan? Einstain said, "only a philosopher we should know" Mcluhan said "Letterpress is the biggest massive destructive innovation in human history" we have created Letterpress for tactile sense then we got to know Mcluhan is correct
    Since then, we have proposed TACTILE SOCRE suddenly novel tactile media emerges and developing destructively


    ... but.. I can not imagine..


    "touching is believing"


    you will never know what it is until TOUCHING by yourself
    that's why it is TACTILE MEDIA if I can explain by language or movie.. it is not tactile media
  • Program

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  • SHOKKAKU 2019 - artists

    SHOKKAKU 2019 参加アーティスト


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    Norihito Ishii

    舞踏家・演出振付家・DEVIATE.CO 芸術監督・山海塾所属

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    Atsushi Heki

    プロダクション航路延長 プロデューサー

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    Eric Maestri

    作曲家, パリ第8大学, IRCAM

  • SHOKKAKU - 医療

    「知覚循環」  リハビリテーションの世界を体感する


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    浜松市リハビリテーション病院 技師長(理学療法士)

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    地域医療法人 りつりん病院
